9 Harley Street, London W1G 9QY

+44 74422 74422

24 hours 7 days a week

Orthopaedic Consultants

Our orthopaedic surgeons perform a wide range of diagnostic tests to identify the nature of the condition and plan the suitable course of treatments.  Our orthopaedic surgery program provides a full variety of services including one day case hip and knee replacement surgery.

Our experienced Orthopaedic consultants are treating patients who are in need of orthopaedic procedures to cure conditions such as dislocations, fractures, tendons damages and hip and knee replacements.

The consultant will discuss with the patient the best course of treatment, overseeing the after care and physical therapy.

Now with the help of modern technology and the well trained team, the patients stay in hospital is reduced dramatically and so an operation like a hip replacement can be treated as a day case and the patients will be discharged and recover in the warmth of their own home. The advantage of reducing the patients time at the hospital is avoiding any medical complications and the speeding up of the recovery time.


Consultant Trauma & Orthopaedics Surgeon UK & European Board Certified
Trauma & orthopaedic surgery
Consultant Trauma & Orthopaedic Surgeon
Consultant Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgeon
Consultant Orthopaedic Hand, Wrist, Elbow Surgeon
Consultant Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgeon
Consultant Orthopaedic Upper Limb Surgeon
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